Monday 29 September 2014

Depression: Will it ever get easier?

Hey Guys,

Well, lately this question has been playing on my mind quite a lot. Every time I'm out in public, I always find certain conversations about depression- there's always somebody. Which worries me as clearly there is more people suffering from the illness itself. The question ithey always end up asking their friend is- Will it ever get better or easier?

Many people have different views on depression, some people just shrug it off and say well everybody becomes depressed every now and it's all part of life. What makes someone more superior than someone who is sad? Just a thought.

 Then there's other people who actually believe that the awareness should be spread even more, as it seems to be a clear problem in Britain itself and it just gets ignored - which isn't good and it's going to cause problems, especially if our younger generation are suffering from the illness then this is going to lead to all sorts of problems such as self harm and suicide numbers obviously would be soaring up not just with the younger generation though of course it will be everybody.

Depression is caused from many things, there's humans who have came out of abusive relationships, people who abuse their bodies with alcohol and drugs, had a tough childhood, being bullied, cyber-bullying, eating disorders, break ups and divorces and a certain loss in the family all these things can swallow you up in the big black hole of depression. But the question is does it get better?

Well it's what you make of it...If you believe that depression is just a phase and it will pass then why don't you just wait till every thing's hunky dory again. But guys wait! With many people depression is a long term illness and it isn't ever going to go away but what I'm saying to you is, its what you make of it; depression is based on your mind set, you're a victim of your own mind.

Don't let it win, if your in a negative mind set of course you're going to feel like its the end of the world and want to go and just want to do something silly and out of the question. Let me ask you something? When your doing something you enjoy, do you even once think about your problems and start breaking down. Well you don't even though I'm rubbish at science I do understand from a science perspective that when you are doing a certain activity you are concentrating which doesn't give any time for your worries or problems to start playing games with your mind.

Yes, you can't always be doing activities but to not feel depressed at least a couple of times a week is better than nothing and it's taking the pressure off and making things at least a little bit easier for you.

People making it hard for you? GET RID OF THEM. You don't need negative people in your life at all and I know what your going to say "Aw, but I love them, I couldn't live without them" When they go away for a few hours your still breathing. You need to focus on what's best for you, for you to be able to get better.

However, its your decision I'm just a blogger. I can't change your mind or help you with the click of my fingers I'm not God. Again its what you make of it...its down to you to make it better for yourself.

Trust me, I've been there I know how it feels.
Stay Strong Always.
Charlie Bear x

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Life's starting to look up!

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been rather busy with my A Level college work, in my first month of it all now and I've got to say I'm pretty much enjoying it. Maybe I haven't made a huge group of friends but maybe that's what college isn't about just making friends - its a time to be independent and actually put your head down and work.

My life at home has always been great as usual wonderful parents, crazy brothers and sisters and of course my two doggys. Starting to actually realise that maybe I should get a job not to benefit myself but to actually help my parents out as they've already done so much to help me out and I want to help them back as they're bloody wonderful and my life wouldn't be the way it is too this day without them.

My depression has been at a low for the past couple of weeks- which is great no more sad Charlotte! well my mood could change at any moment. It's what I'm like geez! Wish I could just be happy all the time!

Lots of Love,

Charlie Bear x

Saturday 6 September 2014

Depression Worries.

Hey Guys,

Well this is kind of just a personal account from me you can read this if you want, you don't have to but anyways here goes.

Yesterday I had my first ever depression you could say attack in a while...I had a good morning and then I went into Sixth Form enjoyed my lesson of Sociology. Then everything just turned to pot, my mood just changed in seconds people were bumping past me and it really annoyed me which it wouldn't handbag hit against a few people by an accident and I just felt so embaressed which topped my mood off even more.

I had to get the bus home alone, which was awful but I just couldn't wait to get home and then I got on this really busy bus and by this time I just wanted to break down and cry. I rang one of my friends just to confide in him and honestly the things I was saying...I've never said in ages since I've been recovering from my past with my mother.

I was saying things like is life really worth it, Why does everything always go wrong for me? Why am I so clumsy all of this running through my mind. I literally didn't want to be alive and this scares me the fact that I didn't want to be alive and I wasn't having any doubts about it...I hadn't felt like this in so long. In fact I never wanted to feel like this ever...again.

It wasn't until I got in the house I felt like I was in my safe zone and nobody could hurt me, then all my positive feelings come back the fact that I've got my family by my side and leaving them could be the last thing I ever do. I had a bath and watched finding nemo things to take my mind off this attack I was having.

I feel better today but just needed to get it off my chest it shows that you can really stop yourself from doing something stupid by just thinking positively.

This ever happened to you before?
If it has don't be afraid to email me? I'd love to hear other stories and people who are in the similar boat to me.

Charlie Bear x

Twitter: @Charliebear166

Things Guys Find Most Attractive About Girls! (with pictures)

Hello there!

Well, I know what you're proberly thinking right now...she's a girl how can she know what guys find attractive about girls. Well today I did some research on finding out what guys found most attractive about girls and I was looking for the most responses...looking at  male youtube videos there was many points that each of them made thats the same. So I gathered 5 things that most guys find attractive about girls let's get started!!

1. Adventerous Girls.

From my research most guys like a adventerous girl, a girl that's not afraid to do anything and wants to explore the world and has a wild side, and doesn't hold back they find this attractive more than someone who is afraid of everything and won't try something new. Basically a girl who believes in living life to the fullest.

 2. Girl who makes the first move 

Most guys would find a girl that makes the first move really attractive and would be impressed as it elminates the whole sterotype that a guy should  always be the one who makes the first move, or asks the girl out on a date. A girl who makes the first move, kiss or asks the guy out on a date shows that they really are out going and have confidence which is a really attractive trait to most guys.

3. A girl who dresses down comfortably

Apparently nothings more attractive than a girl who isn't afraid to dress down after a really long tiring day when with their boyfriend. Nothing is more attractive than a girl who exhanges their strapless red bodyform dress to a white tank top and joggers. I know, I know some girls can have confidence issues with this but some guys prefer it on the plus side girls...we get to be comfortable?.

4. Shorter girls

No offence to you taller girls, but when doing my research most guys liked the idea of a shorter girl maybe not short short but a girl that's smaller then them. Not only do they find it adorable with a short girl in little cute outfits its also create for hugs! as one guy explained they can just fit there hands around there waists and it's a perfect way to hug. Small girls are apparently cuter? Hm, Intereasting.

5. Girls who stand out and be themselves

A lot of guys find unique girls attractive as they come off as a mystery, they stand out from the crowd and don't try and be someone they aren't. They aren't afraid to tell someone how they think or feel, they won't stand for being messed about and this is attractive to many guys, a girl who can stand their ground. You don't have to be confident...just being yourself makes you perfect as you aren't trying to be somebody you are not.

Thanks for taking time to read my Things Guys Find Most Attractive About Girls, I would be so thankful if you followed me to see more of my blog and followed me on twitter which is @Charliebear166.
If you've got time or any ideas for me to write about please message me! I would love to hear any opinions or any ideas or even any cristcism to help make my blog a better one.
Thanks for the on going support!

Charlie Bear x