Friday 29 August 2014

Sixth Form: New start for Charlie.

Hey Guys,

Well, it has came to that time of the year again where children are going back to school next week and all of us teenagers getting ready to start the next round of tough GCSE's. The whole big time school rush, mothers trying to get all the uniforms in on time, organising what the first pack lunch will be.

However for some of us teenagers, its a whole different kettle of fish...this includes me some of us are done with school and are entering the adult world. Sixth form or college both are incrediably different and a huge jump from doing GCSE's in school.

I went to my very first college day today, and I'm not going to lie it really was tough. People already knew other people then there was just me. I decided to have a fresh start and meet new people...I kind of just got tired of the same old people in old school it really was time to move on.

I'm doing A levels which I'm not sure whether I'm going to love it or hate it but ethier way...I like a challenge and I know that A levels are what's best for me and properly the best route for getting into university.

So basically its all a fresh start for me...hopefully I will make new friends, there's still plenty of time for all that! Just got to focus on getting settled and getting used to my new lessons.

Sixth Form here I come!!!

Good Luck to those starting college or sixth form.

Charlie Bear x

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