Wednesday 20 August 2014

When somebody changes.

The worst thing that can ever happen to someone is when they change, yes I know people change all the time it's part of life there's nothing we can do about it. I'm talking about when people change for the worst.

These people could have once been your best friend, your partner I literally hate it. Well it's been happening to me with one particular person I used to think the world of. He's my ex boyfriend, we broke up four months ago as things just weren't right and you can't stay with someone you ain't happy with.
I made the big mistake of moving on fast which hurt him but it happened and he still promised we'd be close and him had a very strong friendship beyond the whole title of relationship. He met a new really pretty girl it didn't bother me in the slightest.

However he changed,  He started being really cocky with me and it was like he was trying to chase me out of his life as if I didn't matter to him anymore. When he didn't have anybody he wanted me back, bla bla and then he meets this girl and I'm wiped completely of the face of this earth. Yet I did so much for him.  Such a shame :( 

Worst feeling ever :( 

Charlie Bear x

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