Monday 20 October 2014

Long Distance Relationships: 7 Tips On Survival.

"When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is to long and no other love can break them apart"- Unknown.

This is probably the most tough sort of love that is known to man. I have mass respect for anyone who is in this situation and has managed to stay strong with their partner as I can understand that its tough. A long distance relationship is a big challenge almost like a test to see how far love can travel between you and your loved one. 

I understand completely how hard it is, as a matter of few weeks ago I met a wonderful guy and he's 283 miles away. I respect the fact that it isn't as far away as other long distance relationships but its still impossible to be together or just walk around the corner to his house and watch movies on netflix with popcorn. He's wonderful, perfect, funny and makes me smile but he's so far away- so I understand the pain that some of you guys may go through.

I have 7 tips here on how to make your Long Distance Relationship not so much survive but to know how to develop and grow your love and bond for each other. Here we go!

Tip 1:Be Committed: Being Committed in a long distance relationship is crucial. It's important that you both are equally committed. Yous both need to understand that its going to take time and effort it's not going to be handed to you on a plate. You also need to ask your partner are they serious about developing what yous have? You don't want to be wasting so much time with someone who isn't as serious about the situation as yourself.

Tip 2: Be real: As much as it's nice you thinking you've found your Prince Charming. It's not a fairytale, its real life this person your talking to could possibly be your future. This is why its crucial that things aren't rushed go through the actual dating stages for example you aren't properly a couple until you've met as you want to be with someone you know is real and you actually have a connection and attraction with physically in the flesh.

Tip 3: Be open with each other: Guys, I can't stress this enough this is the key to a long distance relationship. It's important that yous guys are on the same page you feel the same, you aren't upset about anything, you don't feel pressured or as if things are being rushed. It's important that you confide in each other that's what the love of your life is there for right?

Tip 4: Have hope: Hope is your best friend it is what will develop and grow your love for each other and also will be what keeps you strong. Hope gives you that thing in the back of your mind that one day you will be together and that it's really worth the wait no matter what. It pushes away all the negativity and the odds and the miles just seem invisible.

Tip 5: Trust Each other: Trust is the whole heart of a relationship with no trust there is no relationship, any relationship needs much trust but a long distance needs ten times as much. You need to be able to trust each other so the relationship can be strong and develop. No being paranoid about whether they're going to cheat on you cause if you feel like that then there is clearly no trust there at all. Make sure you talk to each other if you ever have any paranoid thoughts on your mind.

Tip 6: Video Chatting:  This is the best way of making sure that you are kind of in a way talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend on a daily basis, it also is a way of proving whether the person you are talking to is real. Most long distance relationships use skype to be able to see each others faces. It's the nearest your going to get i guess until you are able to hold each other in the flesh. It's cute you can even fall asleep together :3

Tip 7: Send gifts to each other: This is just a way of showing your partner that you care it doesn't have to be a huge present, it could simply be one of your t-shirts if your a boy or your favourite leather bracelet if your a girl. It just shows that you are thinking about them there's just nothing better than putting the effort in to get your partner a little something every now and then its just special.

The key of making it work is creating and maintaining a strong solid foundation its what being in a long distance relationship is about. 
I hope you enjoyed my 7 tips on the survival on long distance relationships.

"Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel"

Charlie Bear x

Sunday 5 October 2014

The Meaning Of Living Life To The Fullest.

Hello Darlings,

Well I've had a thought, What does living life to the fullest really mean?. I've heard many people my age always saying this phrase but what do they mean by it. It's posted all around social media, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook you name it. I'm just trying to get my head around it, does it mean we should stick in at school make the most of our education and aim high or living life on the edge like let's just go and live on a beach in the middle of no where with turtles. Ha ha I don't know ignore me.

I'm just interested like career wise, all my life I've been told that university is the way forward and that I should aim for a job with good money and to be able to have a luxury lifestyle. When I think about it though, I don't think I'd be happy. Personally, sitting in an office for 60 years I would feel like I was wasting my life away and we only get one life right?.

Everybody can live their life the way they want, it's freedom of choice. I'm not criticising anyone all I'm saying is maybe we don't explore life as we should do or at least enough.

Like the government's always telling us that we should be working, not only to mention the point that there's hardly any jobs. But we work just to make them happy like what? We work many hours a week just for some of our money to go to them to spend on pathetic plans but also to people who take advantage of life or at least having had the best chance at life. Yes, I get the fact that we have to work to support ourselves but why really do we have to give up some of our wage that we worked for to support other people too and to have it wasted on worthless plans for example The Olympics- what a waste of money, yes the Olympics were great, but are we really using these sports facilities again. No? So its a waste.

Life really is just one big debate.

Charlie Bear x