Sunday 16 November 2014

Having Self Confidence

Hey Guys.

Today, I'm going to talk about the importance of self confidence. Self confidence is extremely important it's involved in every aspect of our lifestyles. You'd be surprised to the amount of people that actually lack confidence including myself - it's like one big vicious circle.

I've lacked self confidence pretty much since I was a little bairn, for all yous who don't know Geordie language it means child ;).  Back on topic, after a difficult childhood I was always just afraid of people and couldn't stand the thought of meeting new people. In case, they ended up hurting me or letting me down, I just didn't want to get attached to anyone. I was a kid with serious trust issues.

Unfortunately its affected the way I live my life, constantly on edge, paranoid. I go all embarrassed when someone talks to me finding it hard to get like one word out.

Damn I've always got to be the one to order last in a restaurant because I'm too frightened in case I say something wrong and the waitress turns into a shark and bites my head off like a scene from Jaws.

 Here's Four Little Tips to developing your self confidence:

1. Identify your talents: Express yourself through this talent as it's a way of making you feel good about yourself. Instead of hiding this amazing talent you have develop and excel your interest.

2. Take pride jn your good qualities: What have you got that other people don't have? Yes that girl standing over there with the blonde hair and denim little shorts maybe be so 'pretty' but she might have the personality of a cow's arse you on the other hand might have a heart of gold, you might be friendly, caring even a good listener this sort of things make you special and you should be proud of them. 

3. Recognise your insecurities: You need to understand yourself to be able to start developing your self confidence. You need to know what's holding you back. But don't change that negative thing as the whole reason of learning self confidence is to accept yourself for who you are and to know that you're perfect the way you are. 

4. Talk about it with your friends and loved ones: These are people you can trust, they can help you find the root of your lack of self confidence and even help make you feel good about yourself again. They can help you figure out whether its something in the past, future or even now that's bringing you down.

What some people actually say about having Self Confidence:

Well I looked at two different views on the topic and they were kind of different from each other...the first view was a from a more theological view.    

Dr Ivan Joesph (Athletic Director):  "I asked all these parents at a university open day well what can your child do. And they said that their son/daughter was great at this and that. However their was one thing missing. Self Confidence. They didn't mention what I was looking for. Self Confidence is an important skill we're useless without it. Its the belief to believe in yourself no matter what to accomplish any sort of goal. I describe it as a skill as it can be trained and developed. There is no magic button, no simple solution to gaining self confidence."


Michelle Phan (Youtuber/Blogger): "Confidence is Latin for the word faith, there is no right or wrong to lacking self confidence. Confidence is like a muscle, everybody's born with the muscle its just whether they flex the muscle or not."

In conclusion, it's not the end of the world if you lack self confidence. Everybody has a stage through their life where they just loose all confidence in themselves but its all about getting yourself back up and dusting yourself off. Reminding yourself about what makes you, you.

Thanks for reading guys, any ideas about what you want me to write about or if there's any advice you could give just comment or send me an email.

Much Love.
Charlie Bear x