Tuesday 12 August 2014

All about me!

All about me!
Hey, my names Charlotte however I go by "Charlie Bear" on my twitter, it's a nickname that I had been introduced to when I met my dad for the very first time after 14 years. He told me it's what I had always been called since being a little baby and it's just kind of stuck with me for these past two years.

I'm 16 years old, nearly 17. I was born on the 5th of November 1997 which yes! Makes me a bonfire baby (you would only understand that if your from England).

I decided to start a blog because I thought it would be loads of fun and it's something that would suit me very well...I think I've got good ideas to write about, also I love offering advice to people. Since I was 7 years old, I've always just been everybody's ear to lend or shoulder to cry on...I'm just good at giving advice from my past experiences, as unfortunately life hasn't always been kind to me.

That brings me to the dark side, since being a little girl I was abused emotionally and physically by my own mother...as I started to hit puberty and my hormones starting things got much worse. I got in touch with my father in 2012 after 14 years of not seeing him since my mother stopped all contact from him when I was a baby...I moved out of my mothers house two years ago in the October month and I've lived with my father and his beautiful family to this day very happily. The abuse sadly damaged me mentally, and I suffer from depression it's not something I like to brag about as nobody asks to have this illness...it brought me down everyday and that's where it led to the self harm and suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide. I went through loads of therapy and realised that to get better I had to surround myself around positive people...I started to recover eventually and I still am to this very day.

I have a passion for performing arts, it wasn't the fact that I could sing, dance or act that made me love it so much. I loved it because it made me confident and in the performance world I was fearless and nobody could touch me or hurt me. When I got on stage I became a total different person... and I would just explode into performance all the time. I love musicals Mamma Mia, Hairspray, Wicked, Taboo, Fame, Annie, The Lion King and Blood Brothers! the list just goes on and on!

Thank you for taking time to read my "all about me" I would appreciate any support or advice you guys want to give me!

Thank you
Charlie Bear x
Twitter- @CharlieBear166

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