Thursday 14 August 2014

Anyone else hate spiders?

Some of you guys, spiders may not bother you at all...well they scare me. I am petrified of them unfortunately, the people that can relate to me who have phobias of spiders or simply just are scared of spiders know that they can be a pain in our butts.

Well, last night I got no sleep what so ever, my little sister Keira who's 8 years old woke me up saying she wanted a drink and I was so tired so I tried to see if she would go back to sleep if I pretended that I was in a deep sleep. Then all I hear is her little squeal "Spider!" and I thought she was just trying to get attention and then she said it again I started to become a bit paranoid.

So I look up and there's this really ugly looking spider crawling all over the ceiling, we played musical beds for about an hour as the spider couldn't decide which side of the room it wanted to stay on. Then she hands me a book and goes you kill it and then we played pass the parcel with the book as none of us had the guts to kill this spider and then we finally look at each-other and go let's just get dad.

So that was my night basically! 
Guys please would you make a subscription for me!
Any comments would be awesome!

Charlie Bear x

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