Saturday 18 April 2015

Why I haven't blogged in a while!

Hey Guys!

So it's been quite a while since I've actually wrote something on this blog, and I apologize for not actually keeping it up with it.

Well actually the truth is, I've had quite a lot of my plate. With leaving school last year my life has been nothing but busy, busy, busy and more busy so I've had no time to actually even pick up my laptop because of these A levels.

Like all student's I'm sure we all have exams coming up, so busy times are basically ahead. I'm pleased to say that now, I'm actually able to balance my time between my work and blogging.

Since blogging is something that I enjoy to a large extent it would be a shame to be gone from it any more longer!!

I have a few blog posts on the ready which are mostly going to be revision techniques and also tips on making your next decisions for college and even university.
Since we all could probably do with some support from each other at this time.

Got anything to suggest to me?
Or any advice on how to improve my blog even more.
Simply just comment below.
Thanks Guys!!

Charlie Bear.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Be Your Own Person.

Charlie Here! 
Letting people control your life and always having their own say? Time you put a stop to it. It's your life nobody can tell you how you should eat, sleep or breath never mind live.

This is something, that's always been my main problem. Feeling like I always need someones opinion or advice on whatever I do, so that I avoid making mistakes.

Isn't this where we are going wrong?

Isn't life about making mistakes and dusting your self off and getting yourself back up again. Not trying to avoid mistakes that form us as human beings.

It's just a thought. 
For a while now, I've been trying to figure out what's been making me so god damn unhappy. Then, I realized. Life isn't about being happy all the time. It's going to be like a rollarcoaster at times things will go up and at other times things will go down. It's all part of growing up.

Just something to think about. Do you think it's important for people to actually have their own say on your life? Or has it got completely nothing to do with them.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog guys!

Much Love
Charlie Bear.

*Got any advice or anything you want me to write about then simply email me! 
Use the contact box on the side.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Having Self Confidence

Hey Guys.

Today, I'm going to talk about the importance of self confidence. Self confidence is extremely important it's involved in every aspect of our lifestyles. You'd be surprised to the amount of people that actually lack confidence including myself - it's like one big vicious circle.

I've lacked self confidence pretty much since I was a little bairn, for all yous who don't know Geordie language it means child ;).  Back on topic, after a difficult childhood I was always just afraid of people and couldn't stand the thought of meeting new people. In case, they ended up hurting me or letting me down, I just didn't want to get attached to anyone. I was a kid with serious trust issues.

Unfortunately its affected the way I live my life, constantly on edge, paranoid. I go all embarrassed when someone talks to me finding it hard to get like one word out.

Damn I've always got to be the one to order last in a restaurant because I'm too frightened in case I say something wrong and the waitress turns into a shark and bites my head off like a scene from Jaws.

 Here's Four Little Tips to developing your self confidence:

1. Identify your talents: Express yourself through this talent as it's a way of making you feel good about yourself. Instead of hiding this amazing talent you have develop and excel your interest.

2. Take pride jn your good qualities: What have you got that other people don't have? Yes that girl standing over there with the blonde hair and denim little shorts maybe be so 'pretty' but she might have the personality of a cow's arse you on the other hand might have a heart of gold, you might be friendly, caring even a good listener this sort of things make you special and you should be proud of them. 

3. Recognise your insecurities: You need to understand yourself to be able to start developing your self confidence. You need to know what's holding you back. But don't change that negative thing as the whole reason of learning self confidence is to accept yourself for who you are and to know that you're perfect the way you are. 

4. Talk about it with your friends and loved ones: These are people you can trust, they can help you find the root of your lack of self confidence and even help make you feel good about yourself again. They can help you figure out whether its something in the past, future or even now that's bringing you down.

What some people actually say about having Self Confidence:

Well I looked at two different views on the topic and they were kind of different from each other...the first view was a from a more theological view.    

Dr Ivan Joesph (Athletic Director):  "I asked all these parents at a university open day well what can your child do. And they said that their son/daughter was great at this and that. However their was one thing missing. Self Confidence. They didn't mention what I was looking for. Self Confidence is an important skill we're useless without it. Its the belief to believe in yourself no matter what to accomplish any sort of goal. I describe it as a skill as it can be trained and developed. There is no magic button, no simple solution to gaining self confidence."


Michelle Phan (Youtuber/Blogger): "Confidence is Latin for the word faith, there is no right or wrong to lacking self confidence. Confidence is like a muscle, everybody's born with the muscle its just whether they flex the muscle or not."

In conclusion, it's not the end of the world if you lack self confidence. Everybody has a stage through their life where they just loose all confidence in themselves but its all about getting yourself back up and dusting yourself off. Reminding yourself about what makes you, you.

Thanks for reading guys, any ideas about what you want me to write about or if there's any advice you could give just comment or send me an email.

Much Love.
Charlie Bear x

Monday 20 October 2014

Long Distance Relationships: 7 Tips On Survival.

"When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is to long and no other love can break them apart"- Unknown.

This is probably the most tough sort of love that is known to man. I have mass respect for anyone who is in this situation and has managed to stay strong with their partner as I can understand that its tough. A long distance relationship is a big challenge almost like a test to see how far love can travel between you and your loved one. 

I understand completely how hard it is, as a matter of few weeks ago I met a wonderful guy and he's 283 miles away. I respect the fact that it isn't as far away as other long distance relationships but its still impossible to be together or just walk around the corner to his house and watch movies on netflix with popcorn. He's wonderful, perfect, funny and makes me smile but he's so far away- so I understand the pain that some of you guys may go through.

I have 7 tips here on how to make your Long Distance Relationship not so much survive but to know how to develop and grow your love and bond for each other. Here we go!

Tip 1:Be Committed: Being Committed in a long distance relationship is crucial. It's important that you both are equally committed. Yous both need to understand that its going to take time and effort it's not going to be handed to you on a plate. You also need to ask your partner are they serious about developing what yous have? You don't want to be wasting so much time with someone who isn't as serious about the situation as yourself.

Tip 2: Be real: As much as it's nice you thinking you've found your Prince Charming. It's not a fairytale, its real life this person your talking to could possibly be your future. This is why its crucial that things aren't rushed go through the actual dating stages for example you aren't properly a couple until you've met as you want to be with someone you know is real and you actually have a connection and attraction with physically in the flesh.

Tip 3: Be open with each other: Guys, I can't stress this enough this is the key to a long distance relationship. It's important that yous guys are on the same page you feel the same, you aren't upset about anything, you don't feel pressured or as if things are being rushed. It's important that you confide in each other that's what the love of your life is there for right?

Tip 4: Have hope: Hope is your best friend it is what will develop and grow your love for each other and also will be what keeps you strong. Hope gives you that thing in the back of your mind that one day you will be together and that it's really worth the wait no matter what. It pushes away all the negativity and the odds and the miles just seem invisible.

Tip 5: Trust Each other: Trust is the whole heart of a relationship with no trust there is no relationship, any relationship needs much trust but a long distance needs ten times as much. You need to be able to trust each other so the relationship can be strong and develop. No being paranoid about whether they're going to cheat on you cause if you feel like that then there is clearly no trust there at all. Make sure you talk to each other if you ever have any paranoid thoughts on your mind.

Tip 6: Video Chatting:  This is the best way of making sure that you are kind of in a way talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend on a daily basis, it also is a way of proving whether the person you are talking to is real. Most long distance relationships use skype to be able to see each others faces. It's the nearest your going to get i guess until you are able to hold each other in the flesh. It's cute you can even fall asleep together :3

Tip 7: Send gifts to each other: This is just a way of showing your partner that you care it doesn't have to be a huge present, it could simply be one of your t-shirts if your a boy or your favourite leather bracelet if your a girl. It just shows that you are thinking about them there's just nothing better than putting the effort in to get your partner a little something every now and then its just special.

The key of making it work is creating and maintaining a strong solid foundation its what being in a long distance relationship is about. 
I hope you enjoyed my 7 tips on the survival on long distance relationships.

"Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel"

Charlie Bear x

Sunday 5 October 2014

The Meaning Of Living Life To The Fullest.

Hello Darlings,

Well I've had a thought, What does living life to the fullest really mean?. I've heard many people my age always saying this phrase but what do they mean by it. It's posted all around social media, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook you name it. I'm just trying to get my head around it, does it mean we should stick in at school make the most of our education and aim high or living life on the edge like let's just go and live on a beach in the middle of no where with turtles. Ha ha I don't know ignore me.

I'm just interested like career wise, all my life I've been told that university is the way forward and that I should aim for a job with good money and to be able to have a luxury lifestyle. When I think about it though, I don't think I'd be happy. Personally, sitting in an office for 60 years I would feel like I was wasting my life away and we only get one life right?.

Everybody can live their life the way they want, it's freedom of choice. I'm not criticising anyone all I'm saying is maybe we don't explore life as we should do or at least enough.

Like the government's always telling us that we should be working, not only to mention the point that there's hardly any jobs. But we work just to make them happy like what? We work many hours a week just for some of our money to go to them to spend on pathetic plans but also to people who take advantage of life or at least having had the best chance at life. Yes, I get the fact that we have to work to support ourselves but why really do we have to give up some of our wage that we worked for to support other people too and to have it wasted on worthless plans for example The Olympics- what a waste of money, yes the Olympics were great, but are we really using these sports facilities again. No? So its a waste.

Life really is just one big debate.

Charlie Bear x

Monday 29 September 2014

Depression: Will it ever get easier?

Hey Guys,

Well, lately this question has been playing on my mind quite a lot. Every time I'm out in public, I always find certain conversations about depression- there's always somebody. Which worries me as clearly there is more people suffering from the illness itself. The question ithey always end up asking their friend is- Will it ever get better or easier?

Many people have different views on depression, some people just shrug it off and say well everybody becomes depressed every now and it's all part of life. What makes someone more superior than someone who is sad? Just a thought.

 Then there's other people who actually believe that the awareness should be spread even more, as it seems to be a clear problem in Britain itself and it just gets ignored - which isn't good and it's going to cause problems, especially if our younger generation are suffering from the illness then this is going to lead to all sorts of problems such as self harm and suicide numbers obviously would be soaring up not just with the younger generation though of course it will be everybody.

Depression is caused from many things, there's humans who have came out of abusive relationships, people who abuse their bodies with alcohol and drugs, had a tough childhood, being bullied, cyber-bullying, eating disorders, break ups and divorces and a certain loss in the family all these things can swallow you up in the big black hole of depression. But the question is does it get better?

Well it's what you make of it...If you believe that depression is just a phase and it will pass then why don't you just wait till every thing's hunky dory again. But guys wait! With many people depression is a long term illness and it isn't ever going to go away but what I'm saying to you is, its what you make of it; depression is based on your mind set, you're a victim of your own mind.

Don't let it win, if your in a negative mind set of course you're going to feel like its the end of the world and want to go and just want to do something silly and out of the question. Let me ask you something? When your doing something you enjoy, do you even once think about your problems and start breaking down. Well you don't even though I'm rubbish at science I do understand from a science perspective that when you are doing a certain activity you are concentrating which doesn't give any time for your worries or problems to start playing games with your mind.

Yes, you can't always be doing activities but to not feel depressed at least a couple of times a week is better than nothing and it's taking the pressure off and making things at least a little bit easier for you.

People making it hard for you? GET RID OF THEM. You don't need negative people in your life at all and I know what your going to say "Aw, but I love them, I couldn't live without them" When they go away for a few hours your still breathing. You need to focus on what's best for you, for you to be able to get better.

However, its your decision I'm just a blogger. I can't change your mind or help you with the click of my fingers I'm not God. Again its what you make of it...its down to you to make it better for yourself.

Trust me, I've been there I know how it feels.
Stay Strong Always.
Charlie Bear x

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Life's starting to look up!

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been rather busy with my A Level college work, in my first month of it all now and I've got to say I'm pretty much enjoying it. Maybe I haven't made a huge group of friends but maybe that's what college isn't about just making friends - its a time to be independent and actually put your head down and work.

My life at home has always been great as usual wonderful parents, crazy brothers and sisters and of course my two doggys. Starting to actually realise that maybe I should get a job not to benefit myself but to actually help my parents out as they've already done so much to help me out and I want to help them back as they're bloody wonderful and my life wouldn't be the way it is too this day without them.

My depression has been at a low for the past couple of weeks- which is great no more sad Charlotte! well my mood could change at any moment. It's what I'm like geez! Wish I could just be happy all the time!

Lots of Love,

Charlie Bear x